Rich has been teasing me that this blog has pretty much become devoted to his running. True... but that's what's interesting in our life right now. However, I guess it's time we updated a little on other parts of our lives. Here's what's going on in my life right now. (I'll see if I can get Rich to do his update; I don't want to mess anything up.)
For those of you who don't know, I am studying history teaching, with a minor in psychology teaching. Someday, when I'm finally out of school, I want to teach high school, preferably European history or psychology. Right now, I am taking a break from classes, which has been really nice. I had a busy winter semester and a crazy class schedule for the first block, so I wanted some time to just relax.
Instead of classes, I am working full-time (well, sort of) for BYU Housing. I say sort of because I am yet to work 40 hours in one week. I'm what's called a student coordinator. During fall and winter semesters, I work with the Residence Halls Association, or RHA. Basically what I do it advise the student RHA council in Heritage Halls as they plan activites like dances and talent shows for their fellow residents. It's a different kind of job: I buy 20 cans of insulation foam to use to make a tree for a homecoming float, I supervise Mr. Heritage pageants, I rent dunk tanks and popcorn machines from Partyland, I use acronyms like NRHH (National Residence Hall Honorary) and IACURH (Intermountain Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls) daily, and so on.... I really enjoy it.
During the summer, though I techinically hold the same position, I do much different work because there is no RHA council. Instead, my fellow coordinators and I basically do whatever the housing managers need us to do. Currently, we are working on doing apartment inventories in Wyview Park, which is pretty tedious work that we've been doing since the beginning of May, but it can be fun because I work with great people. I get to choose my own hours, which made it easy to take time off to go to Arkansas with Rich. However, sometimes it can be difficult to stay at work because my hours are not set in stone.
Since I am not taking classes, I am excited that I can read what I want with no due date. I enjoy always having a book to read, which is kind of a Fredrickson trait (Grandpa Max, my dad Craiggers, Carrie, etc.) Rich makes fun of me because I can pick up my current book and read only a paragraph at the time (while brushing my teeth, for instance). I am currentrly re-reading Harry Potter because I knew it would keep me busy for a while. I'm on the 5th book right now. My goal is to finish the 6th one before the movie comes out.
Rich and I are looking forward to the Nelson Family Reunion at the end of July and going to Spokane in early August. He wants to show me Spokane when in the summer, when there aren't 6-foot snow piles on either side of the road (like the Spokane I saw for our open house last winter). We are looking forward to spending some time with his parents, Cami, and Andrea while we're there. Another plus about going to Spokane - we are going to get a new car! Our '91 Blazer will finally be put out of its misery (a little overdue).
So, this is my life right now. Nothing too exciting. Oh, except for the fact that my husband is an All-American steeplechaser and is heading to USA Nationals this week! I guess I can have some excitement in my life right now, via Rich.
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