Monday, June 9, 2014

Quick Post

I am feeling a little behind lately, so I'm rushing out this post just to catch up.

Rich got the chance to go to Fayetteville, Arkansas, with Gonzaga two weeks ago because his steeplechaser, Nick Roche, made it to Regionals. This also meant Rich got the chance to watch Andrea run in her steeplechase and to visit with family who live in Arkansas.

I tried to load the video of Andrea's race on here, but for some reason I can't find it when I search on Blogger. Whatever. Here's the link. You should watch it. It's amazing. Andrea came from behind to clench third place and the final automatic bid to Nationals. Seriously. Watch the race.

Mt. Hood from his airplane

Doug and Edie flew in to watch the race, and Doug's sisters, Marj and Naomi, and his mom live only about half an hour away from Fayetteville. I wish Norah and I could have made it to Arkansas for the race and to see so much family!

While Rich was out of town, Norah and I did whatever we could to help pass the time. Thank goodness this time friends kept us pretty busy. Seriously, I was so grateful for my friends who kept texting me, asking to do something. We spent so much time at the park, and that helped a lot.

 Nuh-Nuh (Norah) and Ayi-yah (Alivia) loved seeing so much of each other.

We hit up Target at least two times every time Rich is gone.

Cuh-razy hair!

 Grace, Alivia, and Norah

Norah was watching me get ready one morning, so she thought she'd take a shot at plucking her eyebrows.

  I've started running with Norah in the stroller again in the morning (I haven't really run with her since last year). I've been worried that she'd hate being in the stroller for that long, so we usually run to the park so she can play. She appreciates the break, and I appreciate that I can get a run in before it gets too hot outside.

I asked her to get a book to read. Naturally, she needed ALL of her books. 

Another shot of her cheese face. Or what I get when I ask her to smile. 

Can't get enough from just one cup. 

And, finally, here is our 2014 FIFA World Cup standings board. Rich LOVES sports logos, so he was so excited to make this and set it up. Looks pretty good, huh? Bring on the World Cup!

1 comment:

  1. Haha good to know Anilee's not the only one who has to have ALL of her books on the couch during storytime. I miss you friend!
