Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We're Not in Utah Anymore

Sorry for the Wizard of Oz cliche, but it fits, right?

After a very uneventful trip (hallelujah!), Rich and I have arrived in Spokane.

I was honestly expecting much more difficulty on the move. Rich was a champ for driving the beastly moving truck and trailer towing Vince (Rich's '91 Toyota pickup - I'll have to explain the name later for those who don't know) the whole 12 hours. And I did well leading with our lame Dodge Stratus. Only a sore bum to report. (Maybe you already know this, but my family is not known for sitting still. I inherited that trait, so a 12-hour drive was perhaps one of the most daunting tasks of life.)

The only almost eventful thing happened in Montana when Rich was close to running out of gas. I didn't know how close the next gas station would be, so we pulled off the Anaconda exit (honk if you know where that is) because the freeway sign said we could find gas here. Turns out Anaconda is about 6 miles from the freeway, so we had to truck out there, then truck back out with our caravan. But I didn't want to take the running out of gas risk. That is perhaps the most embarrassing reason to pull off the road.

So, here we are in Spokane. Trying to find somewhere to live. If you have any hints, we would greatly appreciate them. We're hoping we can rent a house here. Spokane is MUCH cheaper than Utah, and that's very promising.


  1. Not sure how much you want to spend but we have found all the places we live in on this website!

  2. I know of a good house:

    10120 N Fleetwood

    Rent is fairly cheap
