Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Our Newest Addition

Finally, Rich and I have a TV stand. If you have been a visitor to our apartment between January and April, I am sure that you noticed our TV sitting on the floor, with the speakers next to it and messy wires and cords showing from behind. It's not how we wanted it, but we had no choice. In all of Utah we could not find a TV stand that we liked (or could afford). We seriously looked for four months, and all of our options were either too expensive or falling apart (we diligently, and perhaps desperately, searched the DI). We did not think one of our hardest decisions in the first year of our marriage would be choosing a TV stand.

Well, we got lucky. About a week ago, Rich was looking online to see what he could find. He came across a promising candidate and phoned the owner. Lo and behold, the owner was moving to Oregon that day and needed to get rid of his TV stand ASAP. He volunteered to drive Rich to his apartment to look at it because the car was with me. Rich felt a little guilty for having this guy that he's never met pick him up, so he sort of felt he had to say yes to the stand. We got lucky that it was a pretty good one. It even matches our bedroom set.

So, we got a TV stand. Which means even better news - our TV is not on the floor anymore! No more messy cords showing. No more moving the coffee table out of the way to see the bottom of the screen. This is the life. Our apartment looks a little more civilized. Four months of searching finally paid off.

(Yes, that is Seinfeld on our TV screen. A gift to us from the Easter Bunny.)


  1. is that the chinese restaurant episode?

  2. you talk about this tv stand as if it were a child. you must be very proud.
